Sustainability and having a sustainable structure in our club are imperative to our long-term success on the pitch as well as economically.
Sporting success remains our most important objective. Our holistic, player-specific work with our youth teams supports the overall development of young players on and off the pitch.
We believe in corporate social responsibility and act with integrity. We have guided our business activity to ensure that we meet all legal and regulatory requirements as well as our aspirations to operate sustainably.
Alongside our code of conduct, mandatory compliance guidelines and anti-bribery guidelines, we have created initiatives and structures within several of our departments, including human resources, finance, operations and deeds, that work towards the important goals of our sustainability model.
We also strive to continually develop as an organisation so that we remain mentally alert and sustainable. We do this by engaging and working with others, creating synergies and combining potential.
We're convinced that you're stronger when you're part of a team, so we attach great importance to long-term partnerships and collaboration.